Closing on 9th December, the consultation process gives members of the public an opportunity to provide feedback on both the Fender Lane and New Chester Road schemes.
New paving and street furniture earmarked for installation in the new year on Grange Road is set to include a number of visual celebrations of notable Birkenhead ‘firsts’, including where the first ever Scout troop was formed
During a test purchasing operation by Trading Standards officers, Spicy Kitchen was found to have served a Vegetable Korma meal containing peanuts to a 'customer' who had requested a meal without peanuts due to an allergy.
The proposals for Duke Street include the introduction of a new, signalised pedestrian crossing at the junction with Price Street and the installation of ‘wand orca’ bollards to segregate vehicles from cyclists
For many of us, Bonfire Night means watching fireworks, lighting sparklers and toasting marshmallows. For others it’s about keeping our pets calm or hoping the kids don’t wake up to a bang!
Making the most of your pumpkins, even after the Halloween celebrations are over, can be good for both the planet and your pocket by helping to reduce food waste.
From football sessions, themed parties, arts and crafts and video games – there’s lots happening this week and next to help Wirral’s young people to celebrate safely this Halloween, Diwali and Bonfire Night.