Wirral Council has been told by Planning Inspectors it can move ahead to formally adopt what is believed to be the country’s first Brownfield-Only Local Plan.
Wirral Council and other partners locally continue to support the relevant government agencies with their response to this case. This has included the placement of signage on roads within the protection zone.
The chimes will be reinstated to the original frequency of every 15 minutes from Monday 3rd March from the temporary situation where they sounded only on the hour.
The £20m agreed by the Ministry for Housing, Communities and Local Government for 2024-25 will also be supplemented by further financial support from the government of £7.5m in 2025-26.
Members of the Policy and Resources committee met to consider the budget proposals, which would set the budget for the coming year with total savings and efficiencies across the authority totalling £25.446m.
Budget plans for 2025-26 are to be considered by Wirral councillors at a meeting of the authority’s Policy and Resources Committee on Wednesday February 19 at Wallasey Town Hall.