Exceptional efforts by volunteers in New Brighton to make their community a welcoming and attractive place have been recognised by the Royal Horticultural Society.
22% of schools across the borough are now awarded with a Modeshift accreditation, meaning that Wirral ranks 4th within the list of Local Authorities nationwide (that have more than 100 schools).
In common with many areas in the west of the UK last weekend, Wirral experienced storm-force winds which caused disruption to a range of events, services and communities.
The RSPCA said their award was ‘testament to your commitment to effective care of stray dogs and promotion of responsible ownership within your community’.
Kit Link offers residents the chance to recycle and reuse new and used sports equipment and clothing. Sports kit and equipment can be donated at collection points across the borough.
Staff from Wirral Country Park were named ‘Team of the Year’ in the annual Best of the Best Awards organised by the national environmental charity, Keep Britain Tidy.