Bin collection arrangements from 20 January
From Monday 20 January, all household bin collections will be for grey bins (recycling).
This week, (13-19 January) Biffa have been collecting green bins (general waste) only. All households should have received a green bin collection by the end of the week. If your bin has not yet been collected, please leave it out until it is, as crews will be out over the weekend completing all outstanding green bin collections.
From Monday 20 January, all bin collections will be for grey bins (recycling). No green bins (general waste) will be collected.
Whatever day you usually have a bin collection – this will be for your grey bin (recycling).
These plans follow residents’ concerns around time between recycling collections and will ensure that all residents in Wirral have had a green bin (general waste) and grey bin (recycling) before we restart usual scheduled collections from Monday 27 January.
We appreciate that you may have additional recyclable waste at the moment, especially if you can’t get to one of Wirral’s household recycling centres (tips), but no additional waste should be left at the side of your bin. Please instead, keep this recycling stored and put it in your bin once it has been collected, ready for your next scheduled collection.
Due to the amount of recycling to be collected, we are anticipating delays with the recycling collections next week. If your recycling collection is not completed on your scheduled day, please leave your bin out until it is collected as crews will return.
These arrangements do not impact brown bin (garden waste) collections, which will restart as planned on Tuesday 21 January, following the usual planned shut-down period.
If you pay for a garden waste subscription, put your bin out for collection on your scheduled collection day.