People from organisations and partners from across Wirral gathered at Birkenhead Park for training with Merseyside Biobank to learn how to run nature sessions and collect valuable data
Clean Air Night is 22 January 2025 and this year is designed to spark a conversation helping people to make informed decisions about how to heat their homes.
Among the most significant changes to the draft strategy is the shifting of the priority of some of the proposals to reflect concerns raised by residents. These changes could mean further assessment, gathering of data and community engagement will need to be carried out before proposals move forward.
So they are installed in the right place for use by people who don’t have their own driveways or access to off-street car parking, residents are being asked where they would like to have new EV charging points provided.
22% of schools across the borough are now awarded with a Modeshift accreditation, meaning that Wirral ranks 4th within the list of Local Authorities nationwide (that have more than 100 schools).
Staff from Wirral Country Park were named ‘Team of the Year’ in the annual Best of the Best Awards organised by the national environmental charity, Keep Britain Tidy.
Closing on 9th December, the consultation process gives members of the public an opportunity to provide feedback on both the Fender Lane and New Chester Road schemes.