Members received an update on potential options for the future operations of the Floral Pavilion Theatre, which were formed out of a review carried out by a specialist culture consultancy.
Streets in Wallasey, Birkenhead, New Ferry and Meols have all received attention in the early weeks of a project to rid problem alleyways of fly-tipped items, furniture, general waste and vegetation.
Members discussed reports about how waste collections will be carried out in the future, a new tree maintenance contract and the next steps for a major Active Travel scheme at their latest meeting on July 15th 2024
Members of the Environment, Climate Emergency and Transport Committee will hear about some of the achievements made in the borough over the last five years since we declared an Environment and Climate Emergency.
With Wirral Council's current contract with Biffa ending in August 2027, work has started on a detailed assessment of potential options for delivering the services in the future.