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Get bamboozled this weekend at Wirral Country Park

15 August 2023
Imagine Bamboo is Everywhere

On Saturday, Wirral Country Park is hosting a day of art, music and performance - and some large bamboo structures.

The centrepiece at ‘Imagine Bamboo is Everywhere’ will be large-scale artworks, inspired by local themes and landscapes and using bamboo harvested from nearby Ness Botanical Gardens. It’s part of a series of events taking place across each of the six boroughs in the Liverpool City Region throughout August.

There will be physical theatre performances, circus workshops and music will be provided by the brilliant Imagine Bamboo Orchestra. Visitors will be encouraged to have a go at making their own creations in the bamboo crafting zone, learn bamboo dances and play a unique bamboo drum kit.

The family event will take place at Thurstaston between 11am and 4pm and is one of the highlights of a year-long programme of event to celebrate 50 years since the official opening of Wirral Country Park.

Entry is free but note that car parking charges may apply.

Bamboo is one of the most sustainable, eco-friendly materials in the world. It has uses in design, construction, green innovation, farming and carbon capture. Imagine Bamboo is Everywhere will use borinda bamboo, originally from mountainous Tibet and brought to the UK by a botanist from University of Liverpool. The event will see local residents, young climate leaders and artists from across Liverpool City Region come together with bamboo specialists from four continents to explore bamboo as a sustainable material for the future.


Imagine Bamboo is Everywhere

As parking spaces will be limited, visitors are being urged to walk, cycle or use public transport if possible. Active travel information can be found on the Council's website.

Imagine Bamboo is Everywhere is part of the LCR Cultural Events programme, delivered in partnership with Imagineer and Culture Liverpool, and led by independent creative director Orit Azaz. The project is supported by Arts Council England, UK Shared Prosperity Fund, Heart of Glass, Ness Botanic Garden, University of Liverpool and Liverpool City Region Music Board.

You can get regular updates on climate related projects that the council and its partners are supporting and delivering by signing up to the Environment and Climate Emergency newsletter.


Imagine Bamboo is Everywhere
There will also be bamboo crafting zones so children can get creative. (Photos Andrew Moore)