Significant step forward for Wirral SEND

26 July 2024
blue background with the words council update in white text, the wirral logo underneath
The report, published Wednesday 22 January, follows the CQC’s inspection in September 2024.

Wirral has taken a key step in making SEND services better, showing progress within just a few months of a refreshed major improvement programme being put in place.

At a meeting of the Local Area SEND partnership Board (23 July 2024) members were advised by Department for Education (DfE) Adviser for SEND that two of ten areas identified for improvement had made quick, positive progress and could now be considered “business as usual”. 

During the partnership board meeting DfE advisor for SEND said there had been sufficient improvement in the published local offer and how it is used by local families. A Written Statement of Action Impact Report, presented at the meeting, showed there had been an increase in the number of website hits, month on month, alongside a consistent increase in news articles and new content delivering information about the local SEND offer to families. The report indicates that user satisfaction was positive. 

In addition, the board was told that where there had previously been found to be a “lack of effective strategic oversight” this is no longer the case and the necessary steps had been taken to strengthen the governance.

Refreshed governance arrangements had been put in place in April 2024, after an Improvement Notice served to the local SEND service had outlined areas of concern across SEND services in Wirral. It had advised local members of Wirral SEND Partnership on specific improvements which must be made.

The Terms of Reference for the Local Area SEND Partnership Board were updated to reflect the conditions and expectations of the Improvement Notice, with Wirral Council’s Chief Executive Paul Satoor taking on the role of chair of the board from May onwards. 

Cllr Paul Stuart, Leader of Wirral Council, said: 

This is positive news and demonstrates the progress we are already making. While there is still much more work to be done, the DfE are confident that we are moving in the right direction. I want to thank everyone involved for their dedication to achieving these positive steps forward. We are committed to continuously working with local families, carers, children, and partners as we improve our SEND services for the children and families in Wirral who rely on this essential support.

Simon Banks, Place Director (Wirral), NHS Cheshire and Merseyside, said: 

NHS Cheshire and Merseyside welcomes the progress that is being made improving services and support for children and young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities in Wirral.

All organisations involved in SEND are working collaboratively and with shared goals.  The progress made on the improvement actions is a team effort and, whilst we are pleased with the feedback from the Department for Education, we recognise that there is much more to be done.