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More solar bins have arrived in Wirral – have you used them yet?

31 August 2023
Close up of an enclosed bin in orange and blue colours. You can see a row of cars in the background as the bin is on the pavement of the promenade in New Brighton and the bin has a solar panel on the top with a message on the side saying 'Put your butts in the bin'

New Brighton and Hoylake are the latest areas to see solar powered bins arrive – the bins use solar power to compact the waste to help manage litter and collection of it.

These additional bins, follow the installation of the first of their kind in Wirral, along West Kirby promenade, that took place in June of this year.

The modern and innovative technology not only means that the bins can hold more waste but will help with the collection of litter as the bins alert the council so that Biffa, the council’s waste collectors, can prioritise the emptying of the bins based off which ones are full.

In addition to solar power, the bins are foot pedal operated and enclosed meaning that they are perfect for Wirral’s busy coastal locations.

In total, six bins have been installed in West Kirby, three in New Brighton and one in Hoylake. Those in West Kirby replace those removed during the flood wall construction works.

Bins are funded by Wirral Council. The council plans to roll out more of these solar powered bins but any future installations of bins will be subject to funding and footfall in the area.

Person putting rubbish in one of the solar bins