Christmas gift appeal delivers a bumper surprise for local children

20 December 2023
Photo of the Mayor and gift appeal volunteers holding donated gifts

Bags of Christmas gifts are on their way to children and young people in Wirral, thanks to the generosity of residents, community groups and organisations from across the borough.

Since launching the appeal on 24 November, organisers from the Council’s children’s services team have been inundated with more than 1,000 gifts for local children and families in need.

After collecting the donations from a dozen drop-off points across Wirral, the team are now busy matching suitable gifts with their recipients, ranging from new-born babies to 17 year-olds, and then sending them on their way so they are ready to be opened on the 25th.

The Mayor of Wirral, Councillor Jerry Williams, dropped by to lend a hand and to thank everyone for all their efforts.

The Mayor said:

Residents, businesses and organisations, have responded magnificently to our appeal, helping to make sure that hundreds of  local children will get to open at least a few presents this Christmas.

So many individuals, as well as schools including Birkenhead Park, and businesses such as Heatons Group, Tesco and ASDA, have been incredibly generous and supportive.

On behalf of the many children and families who will receive these gifts, I’d like to thank everyone who has donated or supported the Christmas gift appeal – it really does show how much Wirral cares.

Mayor of Wirral, Cllr Jerry Williams