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Plans to build on Wirral green belt refused by Planning Inspector

13 September 2023
News Update - white text on blue background

Wirral Council's Leader, Cllr Paul Stuart, has welcomed the decision by a planning inspector to back the authority's refusal of plans to build on part of the borough's green belt.

Hearings in the appeal against the council’s planning committee decisions to refuse seven applications by Leverhulme impacting Wirral’s Green Belt took place earlier this year.

The Inquiry opened on Tuesday 16 May and considered the appeals against the refusal of applications for a total of 788 new dwellings.

The decision published September 13 has now dismissed those appeals.

Welcoming the planning inspector's decision, Wirral Council Leader Cllr Paul Stuart said:

It is great news the Planning Inspector rejected Leverhulme's appeals and preserved our green belt, supporting the regeneration of the borough with our brownfield First Local Plan. 

From the beginning, our communities, elected members, and the Council has made it clear that safeguarding the green belt is of utmost importance, and all involved have dedicated considerable efforts to achieve this outcome.

I extend my gratitude to everyone who campaigned against these planning applications and participated in the appeal hearings. A special thanks goes to our hardworking council officers who played a vital role in securing this result.

Nonetheless, there is still much work ahead. The Local Plan examination hearings have resumed this week, and they will greatly contribute to our ongoing efforts in protecting the green belt, while also meeting the housing and regeneration needs and desires of our borough's residents.