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Garden waste subscriptions due to open again soon

03 April 2024
brown wheelie bin filled with garden waste including twigs, branches and leaves

It will soon be renewal time for subscriptions to Wirral’s garden waste collection service.

Households that already pay by direct debit for the fortnightly service will be receiving details of the new subscription period this week. Their direct debit will be automatically renewed unless they inform the council that they wish to cancel by 30th April 2024. Their payment for 2024-25 will be taken on 1st May 2024.

Households that already subscribe to the service and usually pay by card will be receiving emails or letters from 23rd April inviting them to renew their subscriptions for another year.

If residents want to make changes to their subscription – adding another brown bin or reducing the number of bins they pay for – they can do so once the new subscription period opens.

Anyone wanting to subscribe to the service for the first time can also apply from the 23rd April. If they want to pay by direct debit, they will need to set up their subscriptions by 6th May in order to have their application processed and their permit received in time for the start of the new subscription year.

For people wishing to pay by debit or credit card, their payment will need to be processed before 20th May in order for them to receive their permit in time for their first collection of the new subscription year.

Visit the Wirral Council website to find out how to subscribe

Due to the costs of providing this service rising, the cost of subscribing to receive kerbside garden waste collections is going up to £55 – from £52.50 – for the first bin. It will be £31.50 for each additional bin (previously £30).

The new subscription period runs from 1st June 2024 to 31st May 2025.

Existing subscribers can make changes or cancel their service by logging into their My Wirral account and selecting ‘request a service – garden waste update’ or ‘cancel your Direct Debit arrangement’. Alternately, they can call 0151 606 2004 during regular office hours.

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