Visit West Kirby Concourse to find out more about the proposed PSPO for West Kirby and Hoylake

12 June 2024
Person saitting behind a desk in the foyer of West Kirby Concourse, with a roll up banner behind him that says 'tell us what you think - West Kirby Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO)'
Dave (pictured) is just one of the people that you could speak to at the pop-up surgeries to find out more about the proposed PSPO for West Kirby and parts of Hoylake.

Have your say and find out more about the proposed Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) affecting large parts of West Kirby and into Hoylake by paying a visit to one of the pop-up surgeries at West Kirby Concourse.

The consultation that launched last month, seeks to get people’s views for a proposed PSPO that addresses reports of crime and anti-social behaviour being received by the council and Merseyside Police in these areas.

Residents can take part in the consultation by visiting Wirral’s Have Your Say website and completing the online survey – but for more information or to have a conversation about the proposals, you can speak to a member of the Community Safety team or Merseyside Police who will be available in the foyer of West Kirby Concourse at certain times over the next few weeks.

These pop-up surgeries are scheduled to take place at West Kirby Concourse on:

  • Wednesday 19 June 2024 at 12noon to 1pm
  • Wednesday 3 July 2024 at 5pm to 6pm
  • Wednesday 17 July 2024 at 12noon to 1pm
  • Wednesday 31 July 2024 at 5pm to 6pm

The team will be able to give more information about what the PSPO proposals include, answer any questions you may have and tell you how you can provide your feedback. 

Graphic to promote consultation on West Kirby PSPO
More information about the PSPO

A PSPO is a power created by the Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014. It is intended to deal with activities in a defined area that are considered to be detrimental to the local community’s quality of life. It can do this by imposing conditions on the use of that area so that the majority of people can enjoy the public space.

The West Kirby PSPO is proposed to cover built-up areas between the Kings Gap roundabout in Hoylake to the north and Cubbins Green, West Kirby to the south, extending at its furthest point east to the Gilroy Road/Saughall Massie Road junction.

If implemented, it would give police or other authorised officers the power to ask anyone who is in a public place within the PSPO boundary, who is in a gathering of four or more people, to leave the area if the officer reasonably believes that they might be involved in or intending to be involved in behaviour that is likely to cause alarm, harassment or distress to anyone else within the PSPO area. They must then remain outside the PSPO boundaries for a further 24 hours, unless they have a reasonable reason to be there.

The wearing of face coverings - except those required by law, or worn for religious or health reasons relating to an existing medical condition or vulnerability, would also be prohibited under the PSPO.

If adopted, anyone guilty of breaching the terms of the PSPO is liable to a fine on prosecution not exceeding level 3 on the standard scale (currently £1,000).  Alternatively, authorised officers can issue a Fixed Penalty Notice (£100) if appropriate.

The consultation ends on Wednesday 14th August 2024. A decision on whether to implement the proposed PSPO will take place after the consultation ends. More information can be found on the council’s Have Your Say website:

This proposed PSPO will be in addition to the existing order which covers West Kirby Beach and Cubbins Green which is due to expire on 3rd September 2024. There are several prohibitions already in place within this area to tackle anti-social behaviour.