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Wirral set to join Government’s Simplification Pathfinder Pilot

01 August 2023
Birkenhead waterfront taken from the Mersey

Wirral Council has been invited to pilot a simplified approach to funding delivery by the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC).

Wirral, along with nine other local authorities across England currently in receiving funding from three major capital programmes - Future High Streets Fund (FHSF), Town Deals and Levelling Up Fund have said they are keen to take part in the pilot.

The aim of the programme is to:

  • provide local authorities with the flexibility to deliver effectively in line with local priorities
  • reduce the administrative burdens of agreeing all individual changes
  • maintain proportionate controls to ensure that funding continues to deliver good value for money

Leader of Wirral Council, Cllr Paul Stuart, said:

Being invited to join the small number of councils selected for this pilot project shows how our regeneration work in Wirral is being recognised around the country and at the very highest levels of Government.

This will now mean Wirral Council is able to spend the grants from the towns fund, levelling up fund and future high streets programme totalling tens of millions of pounds in a more flexible way.

Being involved with this pathfinder project will further support our regeneration ambitions which encompasses the whole Left Bank from Bromborough and New Ferry through Birkenhead and Wirral Waters, Seacombe into Liscard and on to New Brighton.

Taking part in this pilot will help reduce bureaucracy and give greater ability to make decisions locally to ensure we are able to deliver the regeneration the people of Wirral want and need, bringing more prosperity to the borough, boosting the economy and inward investment, and making this borough an even better place to live, bring up families and to visit.

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