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Join a weekly Wellbeing Walk near YOU!

22 August 2023
Group of people walking in park

A variety of guided walks take place every week in Wirral. ‘Wellbeing Walks’ are a great way to get moving, stay active and socialise in some of our borough’s most beautiful green spaces.

The sessions are free and no booking is required. Simply turn up 10 minutes before a walk is due to start ad introduce yourself to the trained volunteer.

Meeting at various locations across Wirral, you can join a weekly Wellbeing Walk at any of the following locations:

Birkenhead Park: This walk is 2-3 miles long and there are slow and fast walks available. Meet at the park’s visitor centre every Sunday and Monday (including Bank Holidays), 11am - 12 noon, or Thursday’s 1pm - 2pm.

Wallasey Village Library: A variety of walks, 1.5 - 2.5 miles long, every Monday (excluding Bank Holidays), Wednesday & Friday, 11am - 12 noon, starting from the library on St George’s Road.

West Kirby: A beautiful 1-2 mile coastal route every Monday (excluding Bank Holidays) and Wednesday, 12 noon - 1pm. The route crosses the Wirral Way and there will be a well-earned coffee afterwards. Meet in reception at West Kirby Concourse.

Bromborough Village: A variety of walks to Dibbinsdale or Eastham Country Park, every Monday (excluding Bank Holidays), 10.30am - 11.30am. The walks range in length from 2-3 miles. Meet at St Barnabas Church car-park.

Port Sunlight River Park: Walks between 1 and 2.5 miles with views over Wirral and the River Mersey, every Tuesday from 10.30am - 11.30am. Meet in the car park, Dock Road North.

Wallasey Evening Walk: An enjoyable evening stroll every Tuesday from 7.15pm to 8.15pm. Walks range from 0.7 miles to 2.5 miles. Meet at Grove Road Station.

Arrowe Park: A fast walk between 2.5 and 3 miles long, with stunning views, every Tuesday from 10.30am - 11am. Meet outside Red Rooms Café.

Port Sunlight: Soak in the atmosphere of the Grade II listed historic garden village with this enjoyable 1.5 mile walk every Wednesday from 11am - 12 noon. Meet at Port Sunlight railway station, near the bowling green.

Royden Park: A 3 mile walk with ancient rock landscapes and stunning views, every Thursday from 1.30am - 3pm. Meet in the car park near the toilets.

Vale Park: A 30 minute walk for those living with and beyond cancer, every Thursday from 12 noon - 1pm, with coffee afterwards. Meet by Community House in Vale Park.

Eastham Group Practice Walk: A 30 minute walk meeting outside Eastham Group Practice, on Thursdays, 11.30-12pm.

Walking has many health benefits and best of all it’s free. So, put on some comfy shoes, get walking and explore! If you have any questions about the walks listed above, call 0151 929 7823 or email Wellbeing Walks Co-ordinator Fiona at

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