Environment, Climate Emergency and Transport Committee update

16 July 2024
graphic saying Wirral Council Committee update on blue background

Wirral Council’s Environment, Climate Emergency and Transport Committee met at Wallasey Town Hall on Monday 15th July 2024.

The full agenda for this committee meeting is available on the council website. The meeting was also webcast and can be viewed in the 'media' section on the agenda page.

Items on the agenda included:-

Tree Maintenance Contract Tender - The report stated that the existing contract needed to be re-tendered due its maximum value already having been reached. The committee resolved to terminate the current contract and immediately start the tender process to procure a new contract. They agreed to delegate the decision to award the new contract to the Director of Neighbourhood Services within the agreed budget.

Birkenhead to Liscard Active Travel Scheme - Members of the committee were asked to discuss the outcome of a recent public consultation and agree next steps. The Birkenhead to Liscard Active Travel project is a key element in the Birkenhead, Liscard and Wirral Waters regeneration programmes delivering public realm enhancements, improved connectivity and accessibility and enabling active and sustainable travel movements.

The committee resolved to note the findings of the consultation and authorised the Director of Regeneration and Place to work with the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority (LCRCA) to secure funding to deliver the next steps, which are to secure a detailed design for the scheme and then consult with residents and stakeholders on it and develop a detailed business case for the scheme that meets the requirements of the City Region Sustainable Transport Settlement gateway process.

Refuse Collections and Street Cleansing Contract Review - With the current contract with Biffa ending in 2027, work has started to decide how best to deliver these services from that date. Members of the committee resolved that the Director of Neighbourhood Services should lead the development of a Full Business Case with the focus on exploring either a fully outsourced option, a full Local Authority Trading Company option and a combined option consisting of an outsourced waste collection service and in-house street cleansing. This business case is to go back to the committee before the end of 2024.