Tourism, Communities, Culture and Leisure Committee update

23 September 2024
Outside the Floral Pavilion in New Brighton, with blue sky in the background

The latest meeting of the Tourism, Communities, Tourism and Leisure Committee took place at Wallasey Town Hall on Thursday 19th September 2024.

The full agenda for this committee meeting is available on the council website. The meeting was also webcast and can be viewed by clicking on the ‘view webcast’ link on the agenda page.

Items on the agenda included:-

Floral Pavilion – future operational model

Members received an update on potential options for the future operations of the Floral Pavilion Theatre, which were formed out of a review carried out by a specialist culture consultancy.

Members noted and endorsed the findings and recommendations of the Place Culture Report and authorised the Director of Neighbourhood Services to present a finalised Outline Business Case to Committee based on the four options outlined in this report in early 2025 for a decision on a preferred option

They also asked him to establish the status of the Floral Pavilion in relation to its value, implications for the regeneration of New Brighton and the wider Wallasey area, and any impacts of the Council’s implementation of the Corporate Landlord Model. Members also voted to discuss the exempt appendix 1 for the Floral Pavilion in private session. 

Birkenhead Park: World Heritage Project update and financial resourcing

The committee heard an update on - and welcomed - the progress made on the Birkenhead Park World Heritage project and thanked officers for their work to date. They also reiterated their support for the nomination to UNESCO of Birkenhead Park as a World Heritage Site.

However it resolved to recommend to the Policy and Resources Committee that, in light of the Council’s current and continuing financial position,  the Director of Neighbourhood Services is authorised to proceed with the project as described, subject to securing external funding. Should that fail, then the matter can be reconsidered by members in 2025/26 when the council’s financial circumstances may be clearer.