Mayor’s Charity Fund raises record amount for local good causes

05 October 2023
Photo of Matt Tomlinson of Rek 41 receiving a donation from former Mayor, Cllr Jeff Green

More than a dozen local charities have benefitted from fundraising efforts led by Wirral’s former Mayor, Councillor Jeff Green, during his year in office.

Councillor Green, who was Civic Mayor for the year to May 2023, handed over a record £40,526 to representatives from 14 local charities at a special reception in Birkenhead town hall on Wednesday 20 September.

The funds were raised through a wide range of activities and events, including a Christmas Tea Dance at Wallasey town hall, a Golf Day with Condy Lofthouse architects, and from the Council staff payroll lottery. Dozens of donations were also made by individual and companies throughout the year.

Councillor Jeff Green, said:

Being Mayor of Wirral was a tremendous honour and wonderful experience. I always knew there was something special about our peninsular, but my year in office provided a unique opportunity to  see the incredible amount of voluntary work going on across the borough every single day.

Thanks to everyone who donated so generously or supported one of our events, the Mayor’s Special Charity Fund is able to give a record amount to help a wide variety of local groups to continue their good work.

I really couldn’t be more proud of what has been achieved and to be able to help so many fantastic local causes.

Cllr Jeff Green, former Mayor of Wirral

At the start of his Mayoral year, Councillor Green and former Mayoress Carol Green, chose Incubabies (the neonatal unit at Wirral Women and Children's Hospital) and Maggies (Cancer Support Centre at Clatterbridge Hospital) as the main beneficiaries of the Charity Fund, while agreeing to support a number of other good causes with smaller amounts.

The full list of awards from the Mayor’s Special Charity Fund 2022/23 is:

Incubabies                                                    £16,026

Maggies                                                        £15,000

RNLI New Brighton                                      £1,000

RNLI West Kirby                                           £1,000

St John’s Hospice                                         £1,000

Prostate Cancer                                           £1,000

Rek 41                                                          £1,000

RNLI Hoylake                                               £500

Ukraine Appeal                                            £500

Port Sunlight Orchestra                               £500

Leasowe Boxing Club                                  £500

Charles Thompson Mission                         £500

The Journeymen                                          £500

The Stroke Association                                £500

British Divers Marine Life Rescue               £500

The Hive                                                       £500