Economy, Regeneration and Housing Committee update

17 July 2024
graphic saying Wirral Council Committee update on blue background

Wirral Council’s Economy, Regeneration and Housing Committee met at Wallasey town hall on Tuesday July 16.

The full agenda for this committee meeting is available on the council website. The meeting is also webcast and can be viewed online using the webcast link on the agenda.

Items on the agenda included:

Approval of Masterplans and Neighbourhood Framework – Cleveland Street Neighbourhood, Northside, Dock Branch Neighbourhood & New Brighton Marine Promenade

Councillors approved the adoption of a series of masterplans underpinning ambitious regeneration proposals across Wirral.

The report to committee recommended approval of four masterplans following feedback from the public. 

Masterplan areas are those locations where significant change is expected in the coming years and so a joined-up approach to the development will be needed.

They are also significant in underpinning the council’s brownfield-first approach to delivering new housing and employment , a key of part of the Local Plan which outlines how all new development will be coordinated across Wirral in the next 15 years.

Councillors approved the masterplans for the sites around Cleveland Street, the Northside area – near the docks, New Brighton Marine Promenade and Dock Branch Neighbourhood in Birkenhead, making them the council’s approved planning and regeneration strategies for these areas.

Councillors also agreed a recommendation in the report that a fifth masterplan – Scott’s Quay Neighbourhood Framework – be withdrawn. This is following changes to the council’s proposed Local Plan, as well as feedback from businesses following consultation on the masterplan. Additional work will now be undertaken, including with stakeholders, to develop a sustainable regeneration strategy for the area.


Reallocation of Transport Shed Town Deal Grant Funding

Proposals were put to members and agreed by the committee for £4.5 million of the original £6.3million allocated to the Transport Shed instead be used for the existing Transport Museum’s expansion.

This would be in place of previous proposals for a new Transport Shed attraction which is seen as undeliverable for the £6.35m budget in the timeframes required by the funding agreement.

The remaining funds from the original allocation would then be made available to other regeneration projects.

In 2023 the Wirral Transport Museum was handed over to the local non-profit organisation Big Heritage CIC, who assumed responsibility for operating the facility and its running costs.

The museum includes a major collection of  historic buses, cars and trams as well as 1km of working tramway between its site and nearby Woodside ferry terminal. This proximity puts it in a key location for the proposed revamp through a major new masterplan for the Woodside site and surrounding area.

The allocation of funds to the museum “will not occur in isolation but will be part of Birkenhead's broader regeneration initiative” the report to the committee said.

It follows recent public consultation on ambitious plans for Woodside and the surrounding area with construction work due to start in 2025 in redesigning Argyle Street and the area surrounding Woodside Ferry Terminal  to be more attractive with improved landscaping, more accessible walking and cycling spaces and better connection between the central Birkenhead retail area and the Waterfront.


Maritime Knowledge Hub

The derelict Grade II listed Hydraulic Tower on Tower Road, Birkenhead has been the subject of a proposal from the landowner (Peel) to deliver a Maritime Knowledge Hub (MKH) - a world class centre of excellence for maritime business growth, innovation and sector development. 

This committee considered this on 27 March 2024 when it agreed to authorise the Director of Regeneration and Place to further develop the proposals for the development of a Maritime Knowledge Hub on the site of the hydraulic tower with a view to bringing back a more detailed report. 

Members also requested more information on a number of matters including a heritage solution, changing the arrangements around the rent headroom, asset acquisition, loan finance and the creation of an SPV (Special Purchase Vehicle).

Following this members of the committee agreed to the recommendation in the latest report that discussions on this matter be brought to a close with Peel LLP and not to proceed to agree the Heads of Terms.


The Hythe: Put/Call Option

This report updated the committee on the Hythe Put/Call option the council entered into with Peel Land and Property in September 2020. The report sets out a series of options that are available to the council in the event that Peel exercise its put option which will commit the council to purchase a 250 year leasehold interest in The Hythe from Peel.


Cheshire & Mersey Learning Disability & Autism Housing Strategy

This report provided a summary of the Cheshire and Merseyside commissioning work programme for the development of a Learning Disability and Autism Housing Strategy. The strategy has been jointly produced with the Housing Learning and Improvement Network and will support a framework for all commissioners when assessing local housing need for this group of people as well as supporting new developments alongside general housing to meet those needs.