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A message from Julie Webster, Director of Public Health

08 July 2022
Director of Public Health Julie Webster

COVID-19 hasn't gone away and in recent weeks there has been an increase in infections in Wirral and across England so we must remain vigilant and carry on keeping each other safe.

It's been a number of months since the easing of COVID-19 restrictions and we are all enjoying some normality after a challenging two years which impacted all corners of life. As we head into the summer holiday period, we must remember that the virus has not gone away.

We are fortunate that, so far, the rise in cases has only led to a slight increase in hospital admissions and this is due to the vaccine and the incredible efforts of local people getting vaccinated.

We've learned so much in the last two years but as we move to living with COVID-19 on a long-term basis, every one of us needs to remain vigilant, take precautions, and ensure that we're up to date with our COVID-19 vaccinations. We need to continue to keep ourselves and our loved ones safe and vaccination is the best form of defence we have - it's never too late to get vaccinated.

Remember we can all play our part - stay at home if you have any respiratory symptoms or a fever and limit contact with others until you are feeling better - particularly if they are likely to be at greater risk if they catch COVID-19.

Face coverings and hand washing remain important in stopping COVID-19 from spreading. Consider wearing a face-covering in crowded, enclosed spaces and washing your hands thoroughly and often, especially before and after getting on public transport or getting in from work, shops or the pub.

Meeting others outside is much safer than indoors as the fresh air helps to blow the COVID-19 particles away. So, make the most of the warm weather over the summer and meet family and friends outside. Or if you meet indoors, let the fresh air in by opening doors and windows.

Let's enjoy the summer and our regained freedoms but keep in mind that COVID-19 hasn't gone away and we all need to do our bit to live safely.

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