A total of 58 numbered signs have gone up from Fort Perch Rock in New Brighton down to Woodside Ferry in Birkenhead as part of a lifesaving initiative by community safety partners
Groups who have submitted funding bids to deliver community projects in three Wirral areas will be asked to talk through their ideas to residents and ask for their vote at a series of community events in the coming weeks.
A project led by Wirral Council’s Road Safety Team is supporting businesses in Wirral to ensure that their staff are as safe as they can be on the road.
As councillors voted to implement the second phase of 20mph speed limits, motorists travelling along some of those roads affected by phase one of the road safety scheme are starting to see signs of enforcement activity.
Thousands of residents who are struggling with the cost of living will be able to access support over Christmas and the winter months thanks to new funding for community groups across Wirral.
Birkenhead Park has been added to the Government’s newly announced ‘UK Tentative List’ for potential nomination for inscription on the UNESCO World Heritage List.
More than 200 roads and pavements are planned to undergo improvement works in the coming months as part of the council's annual Highways Structural Maintenance Programme.
Wirral residents are invited to pledge their commitment to the national anti-violence message and share feedback on the Knife Angel on display in Birkenhead Park.