Join Wirral’s Tree Warden Network
Are you interested in trees, got bags of passion and enthusiasm for trees in your community? If so, then becoming a Tree Warden may be just the role for you.
The Tree Warden scheme is a voluntary social community of nature lovers, now led by the council locally and overseen nationally by the Tree Council.
There is a yearly programme of events members can get involved with and just some of the activities include:
- seed collection
- tree planting and maintenance
- training and learning
- book clubs
- walks
- photography competitions
Watch the video below of what some of our Tree Wardens got up to at the first group event of the season earlier this month.
Once you’re signed up as a warden, you can get involved with as many activities as you want, or just choose those that suit your areas of interest.
To join a network of people passionate about trees, sign up at one of the next induction events at Dibbinsdale Local Nature Reserve on 2 December or 13 January.
For more information, and to attend one of these inductions, please email
When you email, please let the team know how you heard about the scheme (quote 'Wirral View' if you found out through this article).