Birkenhead’s unique waterfront - time to have your say on its future

15 October 2024
CGI showing how Woodside waterfront area could look, viewed from river towards Hamilton Square

Dramatic new proposals for Birkenhead’s waterfront area are designed to meet the unique opportunities presented by the location.

They are part of wide-ranging regeneration plans being put forward for the heart of Birkenhead with design work continuing at pace and updated proposals on a number of ongoing schemes being shared with Wirral residents to give their views on the designs. This can be done online and in person.

For details of the other Birkenhead town centre proposals see here for the St Werburgh’s area and here for Birkenhead Central.

The Birkenhead Waterfront and Surrounds area includes Argyle Street (including Conway St roundabout), Hamilton Square and Hamilton Street, Woodside Gyratory and Bus Turnaround, and the area around Woodside ferry terminal plus the Waterfront Promenade.

The aim is to better connect Birkenhead Town Centre retail area and the Woodside Waterfront and through this to stimulate economic growth and increase footfall while also improving the transport infrastructure. 

During previous consultations on proposals for this area, the public were asked what measures need to be taken to improve Birkenhead Waterfront the area nearby including Argyle St/ Some key themes emerged from the feedback received including enhancing the currently poor night-time environment, championing local heritage and celebrating what makes Birkenhead unique, and improving the public spaces. 

Some proposals being put forward include a new arrivals plaza on the waterfront to provide an attractive open space and maximise the new Battle of the Atlantic visitor attraction and listed Woodside ferry terminal building as focal points for people as they approach Birkenhead; a new events space adjacent to the ferry terminal; retention of the heritage tram and new areas of upgraded public areas on Argyle Street, Hamilton Square and Hamilton Street.

In addition, green spaces are carefully planned throughout the scheme, improved lighting to help with safety and accessibility while also taking advantage of the opportunity to light up some of the landmark structures.

There will also be a revamp of the junction of Argyle Street and Conway Street alongside the introduction of high-quality active travel infrastructure throughout that will connect into the existing work taking place on Conway Street.

The council is now in a position to provide a project wide update and to seek further views and feedback before the final stage of detailed design work is commissioned in November 2024.

As well as taking part in the consultation online here you can find out more about the proposals and share your thoughts by attending one of the in-person events at Future Yard, 75 Argyle Street, Birkenhead, CH41 6AB

  • Wednesday 16 October, 3pm – 7pm
  • Saturday 2 November, 10:30am – 3pm

This project is funded from various funding sources including the Towns Fund and Levelling Up Fund via the UK Government, alongside Active Travel funding from Liverpool City Region Combined Authority. This project is also part of the wider programme of regeneration activities in Birkenhead as part of the 2040 Framework.

This round of engagement opened online on Monday 7th October for four weeks, closing on 4th November.

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