Masterplans helping to maximise Wirral’s potential

11 December 2024
view of woodside landing stage from river, looking towards Birkenhead

Major new planning guidelines outlining the vision for future development at Woodside Waterfront and Wallasey Town Hall Quarter have been approved by the council.

Members of the Economy, Regeneration and Housing Committee approved Masterplans for both locations when they met at Wallasey Town Hall on December 4. 

The decision to formally adopt these masterplans will provide clarity for developers, investors and stakeholders in bringing forward major long term regeneration at both locations. They set out a long-term vision of how development could be delivered within these areas, making it easier for potential developers to see what types of development are more acceptable across these locations.

Both Masterplans have been subject to extensive consultation based on earlier proposals and have been fine tuned to reflect the views of local people, businesses and stakeholders.

Chair of the Economy, Regeneration and Housing Committee, Cllr Tony jones, said: 

People will continue hearing a lot about masterplans because they are a vital step in helping deliver the important regeneration projects this borough needs – and maximising the potential of many locations.

The Masterplans are developed for areas where we know significant change is needed – but this is not about the council delivering all of the projects in these plans but coordinating a wider vision and framework for the areas and helping developers and others to collectively bring it to life.

The Masterplans are for where the council has recognised that a joined-up approach to development will be needed. By doing this we can ensure the developments deliver on our priorities for the borough, bringing in investment, attracting more tourism, and most importantly making Wirral an even better place to live and work for our residents.

At Woodside the Masterplan covers the area surrounding the Ferry Terminal, from Shore Road to Church Street, and aims to create lively and cultural riverside quarter.

Underpinned by £23 million investment from the Levelling Up and Town Deal Funds to completely revamp the road infrastructure and public realm in the area the proposals within the document illustrate how the area’s potential can be maximised, with a significant number of new homes, hotels and better public spaces that take advantage of the unique location on the River Mersey.

It also shows how better connections can be created between the central Birkenhead retail area and the Waterfront, in particular for pedestrians, cyclists and public transport users.

The consultation on the Woodside Masterplan saw many respondents acknowledging the area’s “potential”, and the plan now adopted aims to make it easier for developers to bring forward the delivery of new homes – with an aim of up to 1,700 homes within the Masterplan area and adding up to a further 860 dwellings  when also including some adjoining areas just outside of the Masterplan site.

It also seeks to create the opportunity for at least two new hotels, allow for more active ground floor uses including workspaces, food and beverages, leisure, and health and parking, and a major new large scale cultural attraction as well as better public spaces.

In Seacombe the Wallasey Town Hall Quarter Masterplan aims to create a new, high-density mixed-use sustainable living area, and maximise the potential of its waterfront setting.

The consultation identified local concerns such as affordable housing and the revised Masterplan adopted by the Committee, which is supported by £2.3m funding from UK Government’s Brownfield Land Release Fund, will help with the delivery of high-quality new homes on the former Wallasey Town Hall Annexe sites. Additional funding has been secured to for a new Riverside Primary School to create a modern, energy-efficient educational facility in the heart of Seacombe.

The Masterplans are vital in underpinning the Council’s brownfield first Local Plan – which is close to being formally adopted by the council and will help make it easier to bring forward future development.

Similar planning documents previously adopted by the council include Cleveland Street Neighbourhood Masterplan, the Northside Neighbourhood Framework, Dock Branch Neighbourhood Masterplan and the New Brighton Marine Promenade Masterplan, which were approved at the 16 July 2024 Economy, Regeneration & Housing Committee.

The same committee saw the withdrawal of the Scott’s Quay Neighbourhood Framework after public consultation to allow the Director of Regeneration and Place to work with Stakeholders to develop a new regeneration strategy for the area.

In addition the requirement for masterplans to support regeneration have been identified for West Kirby, Birkenhead Town Centre and St Werburgh’s (this is currently out to consultation) and for Wirral Waters – Bidston Dock.

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