Last chance to have your say on Wallasey, New Brighton and Dock Branch

22 November 2023
Text reads: Last chance to have your say on dock branch neighbourhood, new brighton promenande, wallasey town hall quarter

Major transformation is coming to Wirral’s Left Bank – from Bromborough through Birkenhead, Wirral Waters, Seacombe and Liscard through to New Brighton. This is a crucial moment for the borough and everyone with an interest in this area’s future is being urged to have their say on how this change will be brought about.

So far more than £100 million of Government funding has been secured by Wirral Council to support the regeneration projects and this funding will help attract even more private sector investment to make the change we need to see happen.

It is a massive endeavour and there are currently a number of proposals being put forward for Birkenhead, with additional proposals for the rest of the Left Bank area. Projects and consultations affecting Seacombe and New Brighton, as well as parts of Birkenhead are still either underway or just starting.

The aim is to see the creation of family-friendly neighbourhoods with beautiful, green public spaces and parks, and making places people want to live in, work in and visit.

The projects still being consulted on, are:

New Brighton Marine Promenade

People are being asked to give their views on a detailed series of suggestions being put forward in a masterplan for the Marine Promenade area, which stretches from Rowson Street to the Floral Pavilion.

The aim is to provide a framework to help guide future development and reignite the momentum of the resort’s resurgence following the £80 million of private investment in the Marine Point leisure and retail facility in 2011. This led to a renewed enthusiasm from visitors over the last decade.

aerial image of New Brighton showing Marine Promenade from the Floral Pavilion, plus the Marine Lake, and the words in top right corner saying: Re-imagine New Brighton

The masterplan proposals seek to improve the overall connections between Marine Point, Marine Promenade and the Victoria Road high street area, as well as create more homes in the area.

To take part in the consultation online go to the council’s HaveYourSay website where there are more details of the proposals and ideas being put forward for this area including a detailed proposed Masterplan.

Wallasey Town Hall Quarter in Seacombe

Ambitious proposals are being put forward to transform and revitalise the Seacombe area starting around the Grade II* listed Wallasey Town Hall. The proposals are contained within the new Wallasey Town Hall Quarter Masterplan and aim to bring social and economic regeneration along the Seacombe River Corridor and attract new investment into the area.

The Masterplan being put forward for public consultation outlines possible options including a remodelled area around Wallasey Town Hall with a centralised plaza in front of the historic building.

Artist impression of Wallasey town hall plaza area being proposed as an option in the Wallasey Town Hall Quarter Masterplan consultation
Artist impression of Wallasey town hall plaza area being proposed as an option in the Wallasey Town Hall Quarter Masterplan consultation

It follows a recent successful funding application to develop brownfield land, approved in July 2023, which will enable works to begin on the demolition of the north and south annex buildings either side of the town hall, allowing development of this area to be kick-started.

People can take part in the consultation online via the council’s HaveYourSay website where there are more details of the proposals and ideas being put forward including the full Masterplan.

Dock Branch Neighbourhood

A transformational masterplan outlines how the heart of Birkenhead can be revitalised through the creation of a new neighbourhood focused on the area around the town’s historic Dock Branch railway line.

The plans are based on feedback from the public following initial consultations on the broad objectives to give this part of Birkenhead town centre a new lease of life.

graphic showing map of part of Birkenhead town centre and the Dock

Surrounding what is proposed to be the Dock Branch linear park on the site of the former railway tracks the new Dock Branch Neighbourhood will aim to provide a welcoming and attractive place to visit, work and most importantly live and bring up families.

Using what people have told the council through the initial stages of engagement a draft set of proposals for how it could be developed have been produced, outlining ideas such as how existing buildings can be kept and better used, improved landscaping put in place and the creation of more affordable and safe places to live.

The consultation outlines how more housing in the town centre can be provided using a variety of methods to deliver homes which are affordable and including local, and small and medium sized developers, co-housing and community land trusts to make this happen, while new business and inward investment can be fostered while also building on the attraction of the existing independent traders and shops.

The Dock Branch Neighbourhood consultation will be running until December 1. To find out more about the current consultations and to take part go to the HaveYourSay website.