Children fight off common illnesses thanks to their ‘Super Bodies’
Illnesses like coughs, sore throats and earache are extremely common in young children, but did you know that antibiotics are rarely effective at treating them?
Our children’s ‘super bodies’ are designed to fight off many of these common illnesses which are often caused by viral infections which don’t need to be treated with antibiotics or a trip to the GP.
Local health leaders from NHS Cheshire and Merseyside have launched the ‘Super Bodies’ campaign, sharing a guide for parents and carers on the simple things they can do to treat common ailments at home, as well as helping them to spot the signs of a more serious illness, and knowing when and where to go for medical help.
Wirral has the highest level of antibiotics prescribed, per 1,000 residents, across the Cheshire and Merseyside region. Antibiotics have no impact on viruses and their using them when they won‘t be effective can lead to ‘super bugs’.
Parents and carers of young children can find information on treating coughs, ear aches and sore throats at home, on the ‘Super Bodies’ website page, as well as finding a list of more serious signs and symptoms to look out for.
They can find out when they need to stay home, visit their GP, call NHS 111, or when to call 999 or attend A&E.
To find out more visit: Super Bodies - NHS Cheshire and Merseyside.