Join a workshop this April to make the most out of your food and clothes

11 April 2024
Graphics of the front of the Cool Climate Challenge Calendar with the 'March' and 'April' pages with the theme waste visible

Try your hand at composting, basic sewing repairs or leftover recipes by joining one or more of the workshops we have running throughout April. 

Whether you want to learn more about something you are doing already, or learn a completely new skill, these workshops are a chance to get involved in your local community to help your food and clothes go further, save money as well as ease the impact on the environment. 

April workshops include: 

  • Introduction to Composting, Sunday 14 April 11am to 1pm, Birkenhead Park Visitors Centre
  • Love your leftovers, Friday 19 April 12:30pm to 2:30pm, The Sandon Building 
  • Stitch and Fix: basic sewing repairs, Thursday 25 April 11am to 1pm, Environmental Innovation Centre 

For more information about the workshops and to sign up by ‘joining the guestlist’ visit the council’s ticket tailor account