Environment, Climate Emergency and Transport Committee update

19 September 2024
graphic saying Wirral Council Committee update on blue background

The latest meeting of the Environment, Climate Emergency and Transport Committee took place at Wallasey Town Hall on Wednesday 18th September 2024.

The full agenda for this committee meeting is available on the council website. The meeting was also webcast and can be viewed by clicking on the ‘view webcast’ link on the agenda page.

Items on the agenda included:-

Highway Infrastructure Asset Management Plan

Members of the committee received an update on the Council’s Highway Infrastructure Asset Management (HIAM) Performance Plan for 2023-27. The Performance Plan provides clear details of how Wirral's highways and infrastructure is managed, monitored, communicated and assesses the risks to deliver the outcomes outlined in the Policy and Strategy.

Committee approved the Highway Infrastructure Asset Management Performance Plan 2023-27 and authorised the Director of Neighbourhood Services to make any non-substantive revisions or amendments to the documents as are necessary to align with the Council’s corporate objectives or with legislative changes.

Review and update of the Highway Network Management Plan

Members received an update on the highway Network Management Plan (NMP), which is a plan that outlines the Council’s approach to the Network Management Duty placed upon it by the Traffic Management Act 2004 (TMA). The aim of the TMA is to improve overall network performance.

Committee resolved to approved the draft highway NMP as seen and authorised the Director of Neighbourhood Services to finalise any further minor changes in consultation with the Chair and Spokespersons of the committee.

By Ours Bebington, Liveable Neighbourhood

The By Ours project is a community project in which residents, businesses and schools take the lead on re-designing their own streets. The project has been led by Sustrans and has been funded from the Freshfield Foundation, a grant making trust, in conjunction with the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority, to develop a city region-wide iveable Neighbourhood programme.

Members agreed to note the development, design and consultation work undertaken by Sustrans in the delivery of the ‘By Ours’ project and resolved that the Director of Regeneration and Place be authorised to work with the (LCRCA) to seek appropriate funding opportunities for further development and delivery of the proposals.

‘Single use plastic’ audit findings and proposal to update the Council’s current ‘Single Use Plastic Policy’

Members were asked to note the findings of an audit of the use of Single Use Plastic items in council buildings and approve revising the existing Single Use Plastic policy from 2018 accordingly. Members approved these recommendations.

Air quality implementation plan progress report 2024

The report considered by members provided the first update on the progress on the Air Quality Implementation plan for the Wirral Air Quality Strategy 2024-28. It also updated members on the Air Quality Status report (ASR) for 2024, which incorporates actions taken during 2023 to improve air quality, and an update on monitoring results for air pollution during 2023, which showed where there are were exceedances of the National Objective levels for pollutants. 

Committee acknowledged the results from the air quality monitoring carried out and noted the progress made in the last year. They also endorsed the actions contained within the air quality implementation plan and governance routes.