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Weather warning and impacts of flooding update

11 April 2024
graphic with the text 'weather warning'

First published 9 April and last updated Thursday 11 April 15:30

Updates following flooding events in New Brighton, West Kirby Rock Park and Meols Parade.


Storm Kathleen resulted in flooding at a number of locations around Wirral's coastal areas on Tuesday 9 April and Wednesday 10 April.

On Tuesday 9 April, the storm saw extremely high winds combined with higher than usual tides.

As with all significant flooding incidents we will assess the flood defences in conjunction with the Environment Agency.

While the weather conditions remain stormy it is advised to avoid the coastal areas.

Street cleansing 

Following the flooding, there is a lot of debris in the areas of New Brighton and West Kirby. We are continuing to work with the council's waste contractor, Biffa, to clean up the debris to make the areas safe.

On Wednesday 10 April cleansing crews cleared the majority of debris and sand from the West Kirby promenade. The crews will return on Thursday 11 April to inspect the area again. 

Crews have also been cleaning tidal debris at Hoylake. Further debris as well as loose litter bins, and sand have also been cleared from New Brighton (from Egremont promenade to Marine Drive) and around the Fort Perch Rock area. Inspections are being carried out for any lost litter bins. 

Today (Thursday 11 April) Biffa will use an additional sweeper to help sweep promenade roads. 

Following the floods, we were also aware of street furniture that was moved by the wind and water, as well as moved manhole covers in these same coastal areas. The council's highways teams have inspected any areas of known issues and made them safe. Missing manhole covers or seating will be fixed and replaced as soon as possible.


Brimstage Lane, Heswall was closed on Tuesday 9 April but has been reopened. Whilst shallow water remains covering lane, road users are advised to take additional care when travelling.


The council's waste contractor, Biffa, were unable to complete bin collections as scheduled in coastal areas including Hoylake and Meols on Tuesday 9 April due to the flooding and returned to complete uncollected bins on Wednesday 10 April. 

All outstanding collections should now be complete.

If your bin has still not been collected but the rest of your roads bins have been emptied, please report it via 


With strong winds, the team are aware of some trees that are down. These are on Torwood Road, Claughton and Eastham Rake, Eastham. 

If you see a tree along the highway that is damaged and at risk of falling, please call StreetScene on 0151 606 2004 (9am-5pm, Mon-Fri) or 0151 647 7810 (out of hours).

If you believe there is an immediate threat or danger, please call 999. If you experience a power cut, call 105 to report this to your provider.

We are urging people to steer clear of woodlands and wooded areas in parks.


Key contacts

  • Emergency - immediate risk to life = 999
  • Police non-emergency = 101
  • Streetscene (report issues on the public highway) = 0151 606 2004 (9am-5pm, Mon-Fri) or 0151 647 7810 (out of hours)
  • Utilities - to report power outages = 105

Residents are advised that the council's social media channels are not the place to report a problem. Most issues can reported via our website.