Key step taken in improving Wirral SEND services

29 October 2024
blue background with the words council update in white text, the wirral logo underneath
The report, published Wednesday 22 January, follows the CQC’s inspection in September 2024.

Wirral continues to take key steps in improving SEND services since a new improvement programme was launched earlier this year.

During a meeting of the Local Area SEND Partnership Board (22 October 2024) members were advised that another of the ten areas identified for improvement had made good progress and could now be considered “business as usual”.  

The Department for Education (DfE) suggested that the work done to address the lack of accurate, up-to-date and useful information informing the area’s plans and the impact of these actions showed improvements in data and insights and clearly demonstrates the distance travelled. 

It was noted that the updated scorecards and overarching dashboard reporting is clearer and provides more useful information compared to the previous iteration. People generally feel well informed by the current monthly updates. Furthermore, there is evidence that improvement has been made in some key areas a result of this refreshed performance monitoring.

Refreshed governance arrangements had been put in place in April 2024, after an Improvement Notice served to the local SEND service had outlined areas of concern across SEND services in Wirral. It had advised local members of Wirral SEND Partnership on specific improvements which must be made.

This is the third area of improvement (of ten areas identified for improvement) that has moved to “business as usual” within six months and work continues at pace.

Cllr Paul Stuart, Leader of Wirral Council, said: 
“This is a significant step forward, showcasing our progress so far. We recognise that there is still much work ahead, and it will take time for the full impact of these improvements to be felt. I thank everyone involved for their ongoing dedication to reaching this milestone. We remain committed to working closely with local families, carers, young people, and partners to improve our SEND services and outcomes for those in Wirral who depend on them.”

Simon Banks, Place Director (Wirral), NHS Cheshire and Merseyside, said:
“It is pleasing to see that progress continues to be made to address the requirements of the Improvement Notice.  We need to use this as a catalyst for further improvements in SEND services and outcomes.  We cannot rest until the Improvement Notice has been removed and the needs of local families, carers and young people are being met.”

Details of recent SEND updates can be found on the Local Offer website: