Economy, Regeneration and Housing Committee Update

05 December 2024
white and yellow text on blue background reads 'wirral council committee update'
The committee met at Wallasey Town Hall on Tuesday 26 November 2024.

Wirral Council’s Economy, Regeneration and Housing Committee met at Wallasey Town Hall on Wednesday, 4th December 2024.

The full agenda for this committee meeting is available on the council website. The meeting is also webcast and can be viewed online here or clicking “View the webcast” button on the agendapage.

Following the introduction and welcome

Items on the agenda included:

Adoption of Masterplans (Woodside and Wallasey Town Hall Quarter) – full report available here.

The Birkenhead 2040 Framework was endorsed by this Committee as the interim Regeneration strategy for Wirral in March 2022. Delivery of the Birkenhead 2040 Framework will be supported by more detailed Neighbourhood Frameworks and Masterplans setting out the regeneration objectives and strategies for specific areas.

This report recommended that Masterplans to be approved for:

1. Woodside Masterplan; and 

2. Wallasey Town Hall Quarter Masterplan

You can view webcast of the committee considering this item here.

Approval of Business Case and Consultation for Selective Licensing Scheme – full report available here. 

Councillors were asked to agree to consultation on a further Selective Licensing Scheme in Wirral. The proposed scheme involves: 

1. re-designating two Selective Licensing areas that have been in place since 2020 and are due to end on 30th September 2025 (Tranmere Lairds and Egremont South); 

2. extending the scheme to include two further new areas (Lower Tranmere and Tranmere North); 

3. re-introducing the scheme into one former area (Birkenhead Central); and 

4. re-introducing the scheme into part of one former area (Hamilton Square B). 

There are a number of appendices including maps of the areas.

View webcast for this item here.

2024/25 Budget Monitoring for Quarter Two – full report available here.

View webcast here.

Council Plan Performance Report Quarter 1 2024-25 Theme: People Focused Regeneration – full report available here.

View webcast here.

Simplification Pathfinder Pilot Programme - Reallocation of Unspent Funding – full report available here.

This report outlined the proposed reallocation of unspent funds within the Simplification Pathfinder Pilot Programme, including International Battle of the Atlantic, Future Yard, JOY Health and Wellbeing Hub, Start Yard, Birkenhead Priory, Woodside Ferry Village and New Ferry Public Realm and Highways. A total of £3,126,821 is available for reallocation, due to Transport Shed (£1,394,321) and Sustainability Central (£1,732,500) projects no longer progressing.

The recommendations for this item were amended and now read:

  1. Unspent sums from Transport Shed and Sustainability Central projects be re-allocated to 7 projects within the Simplification Pathfinder Pilot as set out in the proposed allocation column table in Appendix 1 to this report. 
  2. The project at Woodside Ferry Village as set out in the Full Business Case attached as exempt Appendix 7 of the report be approved. 
  3. The Director of Regeneration and Place be authorised to re-allocate funds into the Simplification Pathfinder Pilot programme for future re-allocation. should the conditions of the relevant grant funding not be complied with by 20 January 2025. 

View webcast here.