Adult Social Care and Public Health Committee update

27 November 2024
white and yellow text on blue background reads 'wirral council committee update'
The committee met at Wallasey Town Hall on Wednesday 5 March 2025.

The Adult Social Care and Public Health Committee for Wirral Council met at Wallasey Town Hall on Tuesday 26 November 2024.

The full agenda for this committee meeting is available on the council website - the meeting was also live webcast and can be watched back online via the link on the agenda.

Items on the agenda included:

Recommission of the Early Intervention and Prevention Service

Full details can be found in the committee report

This report describes the Council’s requirement to procure and commission an Early Intervention, Prevention and Carers Support service, where the current contract is due to end on 1 March 2027. The current service is delivered by Wirral Health and Wellbeing CIC which is a collaboration between several Wirral-based charities and social enterprises.

The estimated costs of the new service will be £2,362,847 per year. It is anticipated that the new co-produced service will be commissioned for 5 years at a cost of £11,814,235 between 2027 and 2032. 

Committee members noted the contents of the report and approved commissioning of a new Early Intervention, Prevention and Carers Support Service using co-production and co-design processes with people who use the service, their families and supporters. The committee delegated the carrying out of the procurement process to the Director of Adults, Health and Strategic Commissioning.


Recommission of Advocacy Services

Full details can be found in the committee report

This report details the Council’s statutory duty to procure and commission an Adult Social Care Advocacy Service to support qualifying residents to advocate for themselves and their care. The contract for the borough’s current advocacy services is due to end on 8 June 2027.

Members discussed the report and voted to approve the commissioning of a new Adult Social Care Advocacy Service using co-production and co-design processes with people who use the service, their families and supporters. The committee delegated the carrying out of the procurement process for a new service, to start in 2027, to the Director of Adults, Health and Strategic Commissioning - at an indicative cost of £391,016 per year.


Extra Care Housing update

Full details can be found in the committee report

This report provides an update on extra care housing in Wirral. Extra care housing schemes allow residents, who meet the eligibility criteria, to remain independent for as long as possible with individually assessed care and support on-site.

The report sets out the plan to provide appropriate extra care housing schemes in Wirral that will support Wirral residents with eligible needs. These are needs that are assessed as eligible under the Care Act 2014.

Members of the committee endorsed further plans for both the development of extra care housing and new models of housing with care as set out within the report. They also agreed to bring forward a timeline of developments of appropriate sites and continue to work with Housing Officers to secure and develop further schemes – supporting the authority to meet its housing delivery targets.


2024/25 Budget Monitoring Report for Quarter 2

Full details can be found in the committee report

This report sets out the financial monitoring information for the Adult Social Care and Public Health Committee as at Quarter 2 (30 September) of 2024/25. The report provides Members with an overview of budget performance, including progress on the delivery of the 2024/25 saving programme and a summary of reserves and balances.

At the end of Quarter 2, there is a reported adverse position of £6.527m on the committee’s net revenue budget of £142.24m. Members noted the contents of the report and discussed the urgent need to examine all available options to address the position.


Council plan performance report quarter 2 2024-25 theme: promoting independence and healthier lives

Full details can be found in the committee report

This report provides a quarterly performance report in relation to the Council Plan: Wirral Working Together 2023-27, focusing on the theme of ‘promoting independence and healthier lives’. The committee noted the report and referred it to Policy & Resources Committee.


Adult social care and public health performance report

Full details can be found in the committee report

This report provides a performance report in relation to Adult Social Care and Public Health. The report was designed based on discussion with members through working group activity in December 2022. Members’ requests have been incorporated into the report presented at this Committee meeting.

Monitoring the performance of Adult Health and Care services and those of partners supports implementation of the Council Plan: Wirral Working Together 2023-27, specifically theme 3 which is ‘promote independence and healthier lives’.

The committee noted the contents of the report.


Section 75 pooled fund - assurance

Full details can be found in the committee report

The Better Care Fund was established by the Government (pursuant to the Care Act 2014) to provide funds to local areas to support the integration of health and social care to achieve mandatory National Conditions and Local Objectives. It is a requirement that the Integrated Care Board (ICB) and the Council establish a Better Care Fund Plan and pooled fund for this purpose. An agreement in line with Section 75 of the National Health Service Act 2006 (a Section 75 agreement) must be updated annually to set out the detail of budget areas pooled to draw down the elements of the pool relating to the Better Care Fund.

This report details the Section 75 arrangements for 2024/25 between Cheshire and Merseyside Integrated Care Board (ICB) and the Council for the Better Care Fund (BCF), which were approved by the Adult Social Care and Public Health Committee on 18 July 2024. It sets out the current financial position as of Quarter 2 2024. It is intended to provide assurance to the Adult Social Care and Public Health Committee that the budget is balanced and poses no risks to the Council.

Members noted the current Better Care Fund position as of Quarter 2 2024. 


Adult social care and public health committee work programme update

Full details can be found in the committee report

The Adult Social Care and Public Health Committee, in conjunction with the other Policy and Service Committees, is responsible for proposing and delivering an annual committee work programme.

This work programme should align with the corporate priorities of the Council and the delivery of the key decisions which are within the remit of the committee. This report provides the committee with an opportunity to plan and regularly review its work across the municipal year

Members discussed the proposed Adult Social Care and Public Health Committee work programme for the remainder of the 2024/25 municipal year.