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Our Space is a ‘home away from home’ for care leavers

10 April 2024
Picture of two care leavers side by side
Abbey and Tia (pictured) speak about their experiences at Our Space.

Hundreds of care experienced young people are visiting a ‘home away from home’ catered to their needs in Birkenhead every month.

Our Space is a community support space dedicated to children looked after and care leavers. It’s a place where young people can relax, learn to cook, design and make their own clothes, and develop skills for living independently. Co-created with young care leavers, Our Space is a safe space for them to call their own.

Gareth Jones, 14-19 Learning, Skills & Employment Manager, said: 

Our Space came about because our young people who are care experienced asked for a space that is dedicated just for them.

All our young people then designed the way that would look and what services it’d have.

Our Space provides young people the opportunity to access education, employment, and training support, sexual health advice services and more under one roof, so they can get everything in one place.

In addition to support services, Our Space also houses a chillout room, kitchen, washing facilities, and internet access, a café with free drinks and snacks and a subsidised shop. The facility also hosts social evenings, skills courses, celebration events and a fortnightly home cooked meal.

Gareth continued:

We wanted this to be a place where they not only feel comfortable coming but it’s a place where we can support them and help them thrive and really grow as they make it through the leaving care system and into adulthood and have families of their own.

One care leaver, Abbey, described Our Space as a ‘home away from home’ that had helped improve her confidence. While another, Tia, said the project had helped her to make friends as a young mum.

Watch this video to learn more about their experiences:

Video Url

Our Space is based at 19 Argyle Street, Birkenhead, Wirral, CH41 1AD.

You must be a child looked after or a care leaver to access support at Our Space.

For more information, visit: Our Space - Right Side of Care - Wirral Council | Wirral InfoBank.