“I’ve got my sparkle back”: door-knocking charity supports residents

25 February 2025
picture of woman smiling

"I've got my sparkle back."

That’s what Birkenhead resident Phillipa had to say about the impact Community Connectors have had on her life.

Phillipa lost her job as a primary school teacher after she was diagnosed with long COVID-19, during the pandemic. When she got ill, she stopped doing the things she enjoyed and she told us, she lost her sparkle.

Phillipa got in touch with the Community Connectors, after they had knocked on her door to ask if they could help her with loneliness, isolation or mental wellbeing. The Connectors work for a service called Connect Us run by local charity Involve Northwest.

Funded by Wirral Council Public Health, Community Connectors engage with residents who are currently not accessing mainstream services. They work primarily via door-knocking, delving into the heart of communities and supporting those who are isolated right on the doorstep.

When the Connectors knocked on her door, Phillipa was surprised – but pleasantly so!

Phillipa said:

It was a bit strange because normally [when someone knocks on your door] it’s someone trying to sell you something or get money off you! But the Connectors who came were lovely and really friendly, it was so refreshing to see people being nice.

After that initial visit, the team connected Phillipa with some local community groups.

Phillipa said:

They put me in touch with a few people and an art group, I made some lovely connections. Off the back of that, I’m now trying to start my business as an artist.

And it’s not just Phillipa who has benefitted, her whole family have seen a change.

Phillipa said:

It’s not just myself it’s my partner too and his dad, we’re all more connected with our community – my father-in-law also goes to the Community shop in the Beechwood estate and socialises. It’s lovely to see him light up like that.

Fast forward to now and Phillipa is an active member of her community once more, and the service even ended up funding her to start a support group for people with chronic health issues via their Sparks fund.

For Phillipa, the impact has been huge. She said:

It’s been life changing. I’ve gone from staying in the house, hardly doing anything to a full social schedule and being part of a group.

It’s made me feel so much better about everything – and given me back my purpose in life.

The Community Connectors have just been recommissioned to continue providing their welcoming and proactive service for at least another four years, following a successful tender process. The service has been awarded more than £2,871,000 from Wirral’s ring-fenced Public Health Grant*. The new contract starts from February 2025.

If you feel isolated, want to make changes to your life or just feel you have something to offer to your neighbourhood – but don’t know where to start - contact the Community Connectors and arrange to meet them at home or in a place that is comfortable to them.

To get in touch with a Connector, call 0151 644 4516.

For more information: Involve Northwest – Involving Communities, Inspiring Change.

*- The Public Health Grant is given to local authorities and ring fenced to provide services to improve the health of the people in their area. This grant can be used to fund projects or services under specific criteria.

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