Road investment works continue for 2024/5

14 August 2024
A road laid with Hot Rolled Asphalt has new lines painted on

This year, Wirral is spending more than £8 million on our public highways, to keep our roads in good condition, and safe for everyone who uses them.

All local authorities have a legal duty to maintain the public highway across their area.

We receive dedicated grant funding each year, through the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority, to carry out maintenance on our roads. This funding includes dedicated money for works on the Key Routes Network and for highway bridges.

The total allocated to Wirral this year is more than £8 million, which means the programme is more extensive than usual, with around 450 locations earmarked for improvement. The roads selected for maintenance works are prioritised based on our asset management approach, which includes feedback from residents and elected members.

Much of this work takes place over the summer as the days are longer and the weather usually kinder, which helps get more work done with improved quality in the results. Inevitably, however – as people will have seen for themselves - this essential work can mean some disruption and delayed journeys.

Cllr Paul Stuart, Leader of Wirral Council, said:

After listening to our residents, we are now investing more this year than ever before in our roads and pavements. 

While this work is undertaken, unfortunately there will be some disruption. We will try and keep it to a minimum where possible but I'd ask our residents to bear with us because we will end up with safer streets for our local people and their journeys.

Leader of Wirral Council, Cllr Paul Stuart
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