20mph speed limits in Wirral

05 September 2024
Close up of a 20mph speed limit sign

Consultation has started on the final two phases of the introduction of 20mph speed limits on roads in the borough (phases 3 and 4).

Consultation isn’t just a box-ticking process – when it comes to introducing new TROs (Traffic Regulation Orders) which we have to do for 20mph speed limits to become law, we have to look at every objection raised, the rationale behind them, and publish a written response to each one as part of the decision-making process.

The findings of the consultation, and these written responses, are reported back to the Environment, Climate Emergency and Transport Committee for members to make a decision on how to proceed and if the reason for an objection stacks up, changes to the scheme can be made – and have been during previous phases.

Not only that, even after 20mph speed limits have been introduced – it isn’t the end of the story. We are at the stage now where those roads covered under phases 1 and 2 are being reviewed to ensure they are working effectively and, if they aren’t, we can see what can be done differently.

As during the initial consultation, reasoned feedback received can make a difference, even after a TRO is in force.

To tell us what you think on phases 3 and 4, you can visit the council’s Have Your Say website and complete the survey - 20mph Speed Limit scheme - Phases 3 + 4 | Have your say Wirral