Neighbourhood forum consultations open for Hoylake and Devonshire Park

15 December 2023
News Update - white text on blue background

Consultations are to take place following requests from two Wirral community groups seeking to be formally re-designated as Neighbourhood Forums for their area.

Both Hoylake and Devonshire Park Neighbourhood Forum have applied to be allowed to continue contributing to future local development decisions.

A Neighbourhood Forum is set up by the local community to put together local planning proposals which may include a Neighbourhood Plan – which is a community-based vision for any future development of their area.

The re-designation will enable the existing community-led Forums to continue to prepare statutory neighbourhood planning proposals for the specific local area set out in their application.

If the council agrees to re-designate the Forum, no other organisation or body may be designated for that area until that designation expires or is withdrawn.

The deadline for comments to be submitted on the applications is 5pm on Friday 09 February 2024.

Further information and a copy of the application documents for Hoylake Neighbourhood Forum can be viewed on the Council’s website at

Details of the Devonshire Park Neighbourhood Forum application documents can be viewed on the Council’s website at

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