Adult Social Care and Public Health Committee update

22 January 2025
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The committee met at Wallasey Town Hall on Wednesday 22 January 2025.

The Adult Social Care and Public Health Committee for Wirral Council met at Wallasey Town Hall on Tuesday 21 January 2025.

The full agenda for this committee meeting is available on the council website - the meeting was also live webcast and can be watched back online via the link on the agenda.

Items on the agenda included:

Re-tendering of care and support within Wirral's existing Extra Care Housing schemes

Full details can be found in the committee report

This report sought the approval of committee members for the re-commissioning of the care and support services within eight of Wirral’s existing Extra Care schemes. The care and support services within eight general extra care schemes are due to expire between March and June 2026. The new services once procured will commence on either 1 April 2026 or 1 July 2026.

General Extra Care services in Wirral are for people age of 55 or over who are assessed as meeting specific eligibility criteria.

The tender will also include an invite to care providers to bid for a contract to deliver care and support within a new general Extra Care scheme on Pasture Road, Moreton which is currently in development with an estimated completion date in late 2026.

Members approved the commencement of a procurement process, authorising the Director of Adults, Health and Strategic Commissioning to award the tenders to the respective successful bidders following the tender process.


Care and support at home mobile nights interim contract and retender

Full details can be found in the committee report

This report discussed a temporary contract for the current Care and Support at Home Mobile Nights service, which is due to expire on 31 March 2025. The Mobile Night Service delivers both planned and unplanned care to support people in their own homes. The service is required to flex up and down to meet individuals needs and respond to emergencies, falls or additional continence needs. 

The report stated that a temporary contract would cover a period of five months from 1 April to 31 August 2025. This temporary arrangement would give the Council sufficient time to undertake a full procurement exercise for a new service to start on 1 September 2025.

Members were advised that the continuation of this service will contribute to the Council’s priorities of delivering high quality efficient universal services to all residents and prioritising those with the greatest needs.

Members discussed the report and approved the temporary contract along with the commencement of a formal tender process. Members also authorised the Director of Adults, Health and Strategic Commissioning to award the contract to the highest performing tenderer, following the tender process.


Review of fees and charges

Full details can be found in the committee report

This report details a review of charges for Adult Social Care services and proposes increasing them to ensure that the Council recovers the costs incurred in providing them. The report also proposes applying two new charges for Appointeeships and Public Health Funerals where the Council has not recouped the cost of administration - which it is entitled to do under the Care Act 2014 and the Public Health (Control of Disease) Act 1984.

Members reviewed the report and approved, in principle, the increases in charges.

Members also agreed to a policy change to allow expenses related to providing Public Health funerals to be charged against the deceased’s estate at a rate of £350. These charges will be incorporated within the Annual Budget Report to Policy and Resources Committee.


2025-26 budget update

Full details can be found in the committee report

This report provided an update Adult Social Care and Public Health Committee’s budgets in respect of forthcoming pressures and proposed savings that are being considered within the Medium-Term Financial Plan. The report also covered feedback and outcomes from the Budget Oversight Panels (BOPs) which have been held in recent months.

The Council is required to set a balanced budget each year and set a Medium-Term Financial Plan which considers the future pressures and savings options that will be taken forward to result in a balanced budget position.

Members noted the indicative pressures and proposed savings details in the report. They also agreed to the outcomes from the Budget and Oversight Panel.


CWP quality account 2023/4

Full details can be found in the committee report

This report comprised an annual report on the quality of services provided by Cheshire and Wirral Partnership NHS Foundation Trust (CWP)’s. It included an outline of what the organisation has achieved during 2023/4, in their efforts to improve quality of care and treatment and their ambitions for the coming year.

Members received and discussed the report, providing comments and feedback to the Trust.


Consultation on NHS funded gluten free prescribing across Cheshire and Merseyside

Full details can be found in the committee report

This report informed the Committee that the Board of NHS Cheshire and Merseyside Integrated Care Board (ICB), agreed to commence a period of public consultation regarding the proposal to cease NHS funded gluten free prescribing (bread and bread mixes) across Cheshire and Merseyside.

According to the report, around 13,000 patients in Cheshire and Merseyside have a diagnosis of coeliac disease or other conditions which requires management through a gluten free diet. Most people choose to purchase their gluten free foods at supermarkets or other retailers however 2,314 Cheshire and Merseyside patients receive gluten free bread and bread mixes via prescription.

For a number of reasons, including the increased availability of affordable gluten free products, other areas have ceased gluten free prescribing and it is proposed that Cheshire and Merseyside could too.

The report asks whether the committee believes this proposal is a ‘substantial change’ to NHS services. If they do, then the ICB is required to formally consult with the Local Authority Health and Overview Scrutiny Committees (HOSC).

Committee members noted the report and agreed that the proposals represented a substantial development or variation that required scrutiny. Therefore the ICB will be required to formally consult. Members acknowledged that this would be through a Joint Overview and Scrutiny Committee.


Adult Social Care and Public Health Committee work programme update

Full details can be found in the committee report

The Adult Social Care and Public Health Committee, in conjunction with the other Policy and Service Committees, is responsible for proposing and delivering an annual committee work programme.

This work programme should align with the corporate priorities of the Council and the delivery of the key decisions which are within the remit of the committee. This report provides the committee with an opportunity to plan and regularly review its work across the municipal year

Members discussed the proposed Adult Social Care and Public Health Committee work programme for the remainder of the 2024/25 municipal year.

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