Adult Social Care and Public Health Committee update

16 October 2024
white and yellow text on blue background reads 'wirral council committee update'

The Adult Social Care and Public Health Committee for Wirral Council met at Wallasey Town Hall on Tuesday 15 October 2024.

The full agenda for this committee meeting is available on the council website - the meeting was also live webcast and can be watched back online via the link on the agenda.

Items on the agenda included:

LGA Peer Review for Learning Disability and Autism

Full details can be found in the committee report

Members of the committee received the report providing an update on a review commissioned by NHS England and supported by the Local Government Association (LGA). The review explored local social care and health provision for autistic people and people with a learning disability across Wirral, Cheshire East and Cheshire West Councils.

The report summarises the proposed system-wide programme of change, and how it will be assessed and evaluated to make sure that investments are going into the things that will have the greatest impact and ensure the voices of the Wirral community are heard. The report supports the Council Plan: Wirral Working Together 2023-27, specifically the ‘promoting independence and healthier lives’ theme.

Members of the committee noted the outcomes of the review and agreed that a report be brought to a future committee demonstrating the impact of the Council’s plan on the lives of people of all ages with learning disabilities and autism.


Council Plan Performance Report Quarter 1 2024-25 Theme: Promoting independence and healthier lives

Full details can be found in the committee report

Members reviewed a quarterly performance report in relation to the Council Plan: Wirral Working Together 2023-27. The report relates to the committee’s key theme of the Council’s plan which is ‘Promoting independence and healthier lives’.


Wirral University Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Quality Account 2023 – 2024

Full details can be found in the committee report

This report presented the ‘Quality Account’ of Wirral University Teaching Hospitals (WUTH) NHS Foundation Trust to the committee. NHS Quality Accounts are written reports that NHS healthcare service providers publish each year to summarise the quality of their services. This report details the progress, agreed priorities and improvements being made in local services.

Members noted the contents of the report and approved it.


Adult Social Care and Public Health Committee work programme update

Full details can be found in the committee report

This report detailed the committee’s responsibility for proposing and delivering an annual committee work programme which aligns with the corporate priorities of the Council.

It also provided the committee with an opportunity to plan and regularly review its work across the municipal year. Members discussed and reviewed the work programme.

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